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herniated disc

Dr. Vivek Badhe is a herniated disc diagnosis & treatment specialist located at Khadakpada, Kalyan (W). Top rated slipped disc specialist has experience in treating slipped disc patients both surgically & non-surgically.

About Intervertebral Disc

Intervertebral discs are intercalated in between vertebrae. These discs are round & flat consisting a tough outer layer (annulus) and soft central nucleus pulposus.  Intervertebral discs function as a shock absorber; it also makes our whole spine flexible.

What is herniated disc?

A herniated disc (also known as, slipped disc, bulged disc) refers to a fragment of the nucleus pulposus which protruded from the annulus. This bulging is an early sign of degeneration (wear & tear). Behind the disc, where spinal cord and its nerve are located, bulging occurs almost all the times. Disc bulge reduced the space where the nerve lies. As this bulge progresses, it compresses on the nerve which often results in severe pain. Herniated discs are more prevalent in the low back (lumbar spine) though it occurs in neck (cervical spine) as well. The location of pain is contingent on the affected part of your spine.

Causes of herniated disc

  • It may result from a single incidence of excessive strain or injury to back.

  • Nonetheless, the natural aging process lead to the degeneration of disc material, accompanied by the weakening of the ligaments responsible for its support. As this degeneration advances, even a minor strain or twisting moments can result in rupture of the disc.

  • Certain individuals may be more susceptible to disc-related issues, experiencing herniated discs in multiple locations along the spine. Studies indicate a potential familial predisposition for herniated discs with several members of a family being affect

Symptoms of herniated disc

  • Symptoms can vary significantly based on the location and size of a herniated disc. In cases where the disc does not exert pressure on a nerve, the patient may only experience a mild ache in the lower back or no pain at all. However, if the disc is compressing a nerve, the individual may experience pain, tingling, or weakness in the corresponding area of the body.

  • Generally, a herniated disc is preceded by either a previous occurrence of low back pain or a prolonged history of intermittent bouts of discomfort in the lower back.

  • In low back (lumbar spine) one may experience pain, a sensation of burning, tingling and numbness that can travel from the buttock down to the leg,  and even into the foot. Typically, only one side is affected (either the left or right). The pain is often described as a sharp, electric shock-like feeling and can be aggravated by standing, walking or sitting.

  • In fact, straightening the affected leg can intensify the pain. While low back pain may also be present, the pain in the leg is typically more severe in cases of acute sciatica.

  • In neck (cervical spine) herniated disc may lead to a range of symptoms such as aches and sharp pains in the neck or between the shoulder blades. The discomfort may extend down the arm to the hand and fingers, and some people may also experience numbness or tingling in the shoulder or arm. Certain neck positions or movements can intensify the pain.

When should you visit Mukund Spine Clinic

  • You should consult Dr. Vivek Badhe when

  • Your neck pain or back pain is severe or getting significantly worse.

  • Pain is shooting down the arms or legs.

  • It is causing significant limitations in your activities of daily living such as walking, standing, moving.

  • It is associated with -

    • Numbness, weakness or tingling in your arms or legs

    • Loss of bowel & bladder control

    • Fever, unexpected weight loss or other signs of illness.

  • Pain has not started to improve within 7 to 10 days.

  • Pain is worse at night or when you lie down.

Book an Appointment

To book an appointment with Dr. Vivek Badhe, click on the button given below. It will take you to our booking portal.

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