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adult degenerative scoliosis

Scolisis refers to a condition characterized by a sideaways curvature of the spine Degenerative scoliosis occurs due to the gradual deterioration of the discs and joints within the spine, primarily affecting the lumbar spine (Lower back) region. This form of scoliosis is prevalent among adults and is attributed to the natural wear and tear experienced by the spinal structure over time.


Symptoms of Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

Individuals with degenerative scoliosis may present with a range of symptoms experiences, varying form asymptomatic to mild discomfort, or even severe disability. The condition can manifest in several symptoms but limited to -

  • Backpain exacerbated by standing

  • Alleviation of backpain upon lying down

  • Sensations akin to electric shocks in one or both legs

  • Numbness experienced in one or both legs

  • Weakness evident in one or both legs

Symptoms typically develop gradually in degenerative scoliosis. They might intensify initially in the morning, improve as daily activities commence, and then deteriorate again as the day progresses.

Diagnosis of Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

The initial stages of diagnosing degenerative scolisis involve a thorough medical history review and a comprehensive physical examination. Dr Vivek Badhe enquires about the nature of any discomfort, its location, aggravating and allevating factors. Subsequently Dr. Vivek Badhe assesses the patient's backbone, shoulders and hips while the patient assumes varoius positions such as standing straight, bending forward, or tilting to either side. Dr. Vivek my advise investigations such as X-rays, MRIs, CT Scans. These investigations aid in the diagnosis, and surgical planning, if necessary.

Treatment of Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

Treatment approach for degenerative scoliosis varies based on individual circumstances and the surgeon's assessment. For some patients, non-surgical  options such as physical therapy, exercise to strengthen and stretch muscles and pain management techniques may suffice. In instances where degenerative scoliosis leads to spinal stenosis, surgery may be required. In spinal stenosis, space where spinal cord and nerves lie, is narrowed. In cases of degenerative scoliosis, spinal stenosis is usually due to formation of osteophytes (bony spurs). To relieve nerve spinal cord roots from this compression, Dr Vivek Badhe might perform a procedure known as laminectomy. In certain cases, if Dr. Vivek Badhe finds out any unstable spinal segment then he might like to do fusion procedure to address the instability.

When should you visit Mukund Spine Clinic

  • Your pain is severe or gets significantly worse and spreads down your legs.

  • Pain is associated with

    • Numbness, weakness or tingling in legs, buttocks or genitals

    • Loss of control over bowel & bladder function

    • Fever, unexplained weight loss or other signs of illness

  • Your pain has not started to improve within a week.

  • Causes difficulty in walking, standing or moving
  • Is worse at night or worse when you lie down.

Book an Appointment

To book an appointment with Dr. Vivek Badhe, click on the button given below. It will take you to our booking portal.

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